Mattera institute
Developing the Apostolic Leader!
Join me as we explore church leadership based on the New Testament pattern.
You will receive profound teaching and prophetic insight related to solutions for contemporary church and marketplace ministries.

Why The Institute?
The apostolic mission of the church is something that is all but lost in western church culture of today.
If you desire to grow in your understanding of Jesus’ original intent for a church whose mission, vision, and actions are based on the principles of God’s Kingdom, we’d love for you to join us!

Who Is This For?
If you are an established or emerging leader desiring to maximize your ministry in accordance with the pattern of the New Testament – this institute is for you!
The Mattera Institute is for you if you are:
- An Emerging Leader
- Seasoned Established Leader
- Part Of A Leadership Collective Overseeing A Church
- Marketplace Leader Who Desires To Understand The Way Of Christ and His Apostles
Program Features
12 Program Modules
World Class Guest Faculty
55 Session Videos
Weekly Training Sessions
Q & A Sessions
On-Demand Curriculum
Guest Faculty

Our Curriculum
MODULE 1 – A History Of Apostolic Movements
In this module, you will learn about the first century New Testament pattern for the church. You’ll study how the church went from being known as “The Way” in its earliest days to becoming an institution, from the third century on. You will learn about the emerging apostolic missional movements.
MODULE 2 – Five Paradigms Related To Continuing The Jesus Movement
We will unpack the missional essence of the local church, as described in Acts 1:1-9. You will gain an understanding of three key components in the contemporary church today: (1) The popular “Attractional” model of the contemporary church; (2) The popular “Branding” model; and the role of the parachurch. We will then look at the contemporary missional model that restores the way of Christ and His apostles.
MODULE 3 – The New Kind Of Apostolic Leader
You will be introduced to the new apostolic leader today, who have integrity combined with influence, who emphasize function and relationship above titles and position, and who espouse an egalitarian attitude along with apostolic government and influence. We will study the five key characteristics of today’s new apostolic leaders.
MODULE 4 – Understanding Five-Fold Church Types
This session will show you how a local church inherits the DNA of its founder (using both the Old and New Testament as exemplars). You will gain an understanding of apostolic churches, prophetic churches, evangelistic churches, teaching churches, and pastoral paradigm churches.
MODULE 5 – Abuses And Blessings Of The Contemporary Apostolic Movement
This session will teach you to understand the blessing of recognizing apostolic function as opposed to just pastoral function. We will also study recognizing the challenge of those falsely identified as apostolic leaders and apostles, recognizing when people are proclaimed to be apostles over cities and nations, and the pattern of autocratic leadership styles in the apostolic.
MODULE 6 – Twelve Essentials Related To Apostolic Truth
In this session we will study why apostolic truth involves ministerial transparency, high-stress capacity, a deep understanding of and a commitment to biblical fidelity, and being strategic in planning and purpose. You will also learn why apostolic truth involves both revival and reformation, bringing unity for the sake of the kingdom, faith for finances and favor, and more.
MODULE 7 – The Consequences Of Eliminating Apostolic Function From The Church
The original apostolic church was birthed in the fires of Pentecost and had a pioneering spirit. The apostolic church equips the saints to fill up all things, not just church buildings. In this session, you will learn how the church went from an apostolic to a pastoral paradigm, from a pioneering church to a church on “maintenance mode,” and from a missional focus to a self-centered focus.
MODULE 8 – The Ministry Function Of Apostolic Leaders In Contemporary Times
The apostolic function has always operated since the birth of the church according to Ephesians 4:11-16. This session will explore why those walking in apostolic function must have a strong gift of leadership as written in Romans 12:7; why contemporary apostolic leaders are always counter-cultural, as we see in Acts 4:19-31; and how apostolic leaders can adjust the way they convey the gospel according to their audience, the way Paul did in the book of Acts.
MODULE 9 – The Jerusalem Apostolic Church Model
We will explore the challenges of the Jerusalem church regarding culture, ethnic centrality, and local focus. You will learn about the power of the Jerusalem church and the team leadership approach of the Jerusalem church. We will also study the shaking and sending of the Jerusalem church, and the turning point and first General Council convened by the Jerusalem church.
MODULE 10 – The Antioch Apostolic Church Model
You will learn why the Antioch church became the model apostolic church that transcended the Jerusalem church and how the church born in persecution and pain became the church of inclusion and ethnic reconciliation. We will explore why the leadership of the church was ethnically and vocationally diverse and how the Antioch church became the first sending missional church.
MODULE 11 – Contrasting Church Apostles From Apostles Of Christ
This session will focus on understanding who the 12 apostles of the Lamb are, as well as the foundational role of the original 12 apostles. You will learn about the need today to continue the ministry of the original 12, why contemporary apostles of Christ build His kingdom and not their own empires, and much more.
MODULE 12 – Contrasting Apostolic Movements From Institutions And Denominations
This session will explore the many differences between denominational churches. Specifically, we will look at denominational churches, which are led by pastors and a board of trustees, and New Testament churches, which are led by apostles, prophets and a team of elders comprising a multiplicity of ministries. We will also look at present day parachurch ministries.
More Reasons To Join!
Mattera Institute
- Set your own pace with our On-Demand program
- Lifetime access to ALL courses
- Join our community of apostolic leaders
- Experience a personal touch with our Q&A sessions

Now Enrolling
Standard Enrollment Package
- On-Demand Program
- 36 Training Videos
- Mattera Institute Diploma Upon Completion
- Lifetime Access
- Q&A Sessions For Every Module
Student Enrollment Package
- For Full Time Students Under 30 Years Old
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Is The Program?
The curriculum contains 12 modules with 2 video teaching sessions from Bishop Joseph Mattera, 1 guest faculty session, and 1 Q&A session for every module. Receive apostolic wisdom and prophetic revelation from Joseph Mattera and many other world class leaders!
How Long Will I Have Access To The Program?
Once you enroll into the institute, you’ll be a lifelong member with lifetime access to all of the course material.
Do I Have To Pay The Entire Cost Up Front?
We have different payment options available for you to choose from. You can pay the total upfront or in 5 monthly installments.
What People Are Saying
Dr. Joseph Mattera has a way of communicate Biblical teaching, church history and personal experience in such a way that the information becomes the foundation for transformation. His teaching and writings give a clear understanding of the issues the church faces. Dr. Mattera skilled at painted a picture of God’s original intent and contrast that with our current state of affairs. He then gives practical steps to restructure our churches to accomplish God’s purpose in the Earth. I highly recommend any of his writing or communication.
With so much misinformation floating around today concerning apostolic ministry the MMI Institute for Apostolic Leadership is an oasis for those looking to mature their understanding of the modern day apostolic ministry. Those enrolled in the MMI Institute will find themselves learning the historical and biblical basis for current day apostolic ministry from today’s leading practitioners and teachers in the apostolic. Not only will the learner be immersed in strong academic teaching on the apostolic, but they can also expect to come away with practical tools they can apply to their ministry today. As a recent student in the MMI Institute, I highly recommend this program to any current or emerging five fold leader.
Joseph Mattera is a true general and apostolic leader of the Christian faith. He has a unique ability to take foundational teaching and help to bring context in relevant settings. His wisdom has served as a personal guide in the unpredictable waters of ministry. As a prophetic voice in the land, Joseph Mattera is a trusted as well as a consistent source of information and truth.